A Public Place

Stories  Background

Romeo's  Slashings

Plot Makeup

Actor Contacts


A Public Place Background

A Public Place Background

The movie would have been the second movie made in that class.  The first were the odysseous projects, and they were not that good.  The first, first one was done with no editing system.  Just VCR, very hard to do considering there was a lot of talking... 

When this project caim along, me and max had just scene the matrix reloaded and loved it...  So we got the idea to combine the two together, and what we got was amazing. 

First Max and me had a sword fight that used different things to fight with, like a guterpipe, and just swung at each other...  When I lost my sword, I did an awesome cartwheel to get to it while Max slashed at me.  That was fast when done in real time, but when slowed down, it was great.  After a while of sword fighting, Max and me took it to the roof, we did this by jumping off the roof but in reverse mode.  We walked like we were stumbling backwards.   Then we jumped off the roof, except that max had to jump off backwards.  He did this by pretending that he was stepping on a barrel.  To put it together, I reverseed it on the editing system, it worked great... 




Saverys Game
